发布时间:2021-09-30 人气:1347
★ 超市保鲜:科美斯作为全球专业片冰设备制造商,其片冰机广泛应用于超级市场、商业中心、海鲜酒楼的保鲜及冷藏。片冰可使蔬果、海鲜色泽鲜艳,不损坏冷藏品的表皮,保持原有口味。越来越多的客户与科美斯一起成长、进步!片冰机,制冰机,科美斯,新农业,农业保鲜
★ 人性化理念:内置微电脑控制系统,操作界面简洁,让您对设备的操作成为举手之劳。故障智能显示系统,使故障问题简单排除。
★ 片冰不凝结:克服了传统片冰易结块、多粉末等不足之处,在冰库里储存长达三天不凝结、不融解,蒸发器采用直立式,高效节能,采用环保雪种R404A,安全性能更可靠。
★ 不锈钢结构:冰桶内外采用304不锈钢结构,储冰库内外采用304不锈钢结构,更显美观大方,冰桶不锈钢大面积蒸发技术,该核心技术在国内外已处于领先地位。
★ 设计寿命:核心部件冰桶是公司科研人员精心设计、精工铸造,行业中唯一拥有自主知识产权, 主要配件采用欧美国家,片冰机整体寿命大大提高,设计寿命高达12~15年。
★ 服务优势:国内共设北京、上海、重庆、武汉、沈阳、福州等办事处,广东省内当天报修当天排除故障,国内24小时内排除故障。
★ 技术参数:使用环境温度范围-5℃~40℃,标准环境温度25℃,水温18℃;蒸发温度-25℃,片冰温度-8℃,片冰厚度1.8mm-2.5mm;电源3相 4线/ 380V / 50HZ ,环保雪种R404A。
From ship to shop, fresh Fish is kept at the temperature of the melting ice (0), the ideal temperature to maintain the quality of the fish without freezing it.
Throughout its distribution channel, Fish packed with flake-ice retains all its freshness. Customers know the difference.
Food Display
Bright white COLDMAX flake ice not only looks colder than other types of ice, it also contrasts beautifully with food in product displays. Flake ice offers a number of advantages to food retailers, including better cooling and holding temperatures, extended shelf life, and reduced shrink. The flat shape of flake ice also cushions the product to protect it from damage.
Produce Packing
COLDMAX flake ice and flake ice mixed with water are used in a variety of ways to cool produce. During harvest, the ice is used to remove field heat of certain vegetables. To maintain product temperature and quality, the ice is also used to top ice shipping containers and for case icing.
Auto control
Micro-computer control system will give friendly operating experience .
Perfect failure searching system and safety unit make the machine operation as simple as home appliance.
High Capacity
Makes from 0.5 to 60 MT tons of ice per 24 hours, depending on the model.
Combine two or more models for greater ice making capacity
Produces more ice than any other ice maker using an equally rated compressor
Lowest refrigeration losses due to special fiberglass insulated enclosure.
Easy to install & low maintenance due to high reliability components
Built for industrial use with high quality heavy-duty parts.
Designed with a stationary double-walled evaporator and no refrigerant seals to eliminate leaks.
Includes important safety features, such as a see-through inspection hatch with safety switch , mechanical load limit switch, emergency stop switch and jog switch.
Applicable ambient temperature range from
Uses ozone-friendly refrigerants.
Installs on land or onboard vessels with a broad range of power options.
Choose from three product lines -- carbon steel or stainless
What is flake ice
Flake-ice is small ice in flat pieces.
It is used in cooling seafood, in meat processing and in a whole range of industrial processes.
Flake-ice is dry and sub-cooled(
Advantage of flake ice
Faster cooling, with larger surface area and rapid melting ,flake ice providing greater cooling efficiency than any other types of ice, such as tube, plate, shell or crushed. COLDMAX flake ice is completely dry, so it will not rapidly fuse together in a low-temperature storage bin or clog screw conveyors or pneumatic delivery systems.
The ice can be adjusted in various ways. The thickness can be adjusted between 1,